2. Overlapping scriptures of the creation.
I. The Fall
A. Supporting scripture Genesis 3-5.
1. Brief narrative on supporting scripture. In these chapters are the accounts of when the serpent tricks …show more content…
Brief narrative on supporting scripture. In this account from Genesis, men became wicked in their hearts which displeases God (Genesis 6:1-7). God chose Noah to build an Ark (6:13-22) and shares with him that a great flood is coming (Genesis 7). Once the flood subsides (8:1-19), God gives a promise to Noah (8:20-22) and then establishes a covenant with Noah and his sons (9:1-17). “The claim that the nations over which YHWH presides must obey YHWH is best articulated in the Noachic covenant...38 The biblical text attests that after the flood, God the creator makes a covenantal commitment to remain faithful to creation…,” cites …show more content…
Brief narrative on supporting scripture. Once the flood had subsided, the descendants of Noah spread throughout the land (Genesis 10:1-32). Amid the descendant spreading throughout, the people decide to build a tower to God, naming, the Tower of Babel where He confused their language (11:1-9). God specifically names the descendants of Shem and Terah, which includes Abram. (11:10-32).
2. Overlapping scriptures on the Tower of Babel.
IV. The coverage of history of this period
D. Supporting scripture of this period, Genesis 1-11.
1. Brief narrative on supporting scripture. When studying the event of Genesis 1-11, they cover thousands of years. 4000BC to 2100BC. The timelines vary from various commentaries, however, the late Dr. Gerhard Hansel, a professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology at Andrews University, a contributor with Creation Ministries International shares, “calculated from the Masoretic Text that Abraham was born in about 2170 BC. Thus, the Flood occurred at 2522 BC and creation at 4178 BC.”
2. Overlapping scriptures of the historical period.
V. What do these events teach us about God, His interaction with creation, and His expectations from His people?
E. Supporting scripture from various books of the