It is amazing to think that we can choose how our kids will be. Do we want to raise generations of fools or generations of intellects and scholars? Of course we want the latter. We do not want our futures in the hands of incompetent beings, which is why genetic engineering is such a plausible solution. Right now, genetic engineering control is in the hands of government which is where it needs to stay. The ability alter the chemical make-up of a population or food is too much power and responsibility for one person to hand, which is why it needs to be in the watchful eye of our government superiors. We have trusted our government to directly deal with issues we as Americans would rather ignore like war and discrepancies regarding the value of money over the past; consequently, this emphasizes my main idea, which is that genetic engineering should be monitored and overseen by our
It is amazing to think that we can choose how our kids will be. Do we want to raise generations of fools or generations of intellects and scholars? Of course we want the latter. We do not want our futures in the hands of incompetent beings, which is why genetic engineering is such a plausible solution. Right now, genetic engineering control is in the hands of government which is where it needs to stay. The ability alter the chemical make-up of a population or food is too much power and responsibility for one person to hand, which is why it needs to be in the watchful eye of our government superiors. We have trusted our government to directly deal with issues we as Americans would rather ignore like war and discrepancies regarding the value of money over the past; consequently, this emphasizes my main idea, which is that genetic engineering should be monitored and overseen by our