It is virtually impossible to avoid the nature process that is created by God and have placed a temporary hold on the progress of this technology.
If we pick and choose characteristics of a kids then we will become a society of made to order humans, who have lost the great gift of genetic diversity. The use or manipulation of an individual genetic material in order to produce desired characteristics or result in the same individual is undoubtly changing society relationship with nature and with perhaps its own cultural values. It has been predicted for the year 2020 "people will have new definition of health and illness." It affects the moral values of human beings as well as the other living things. The competing goods in genetic engineering that is creating a stronger human race versus nature process that is created by God. Advances in genetic engineering may someday allow parents to select the sex, eye color or intelligence level of their children. This possibility raises serious ethical concerns for many people.
It is virtually impossible to avoid the nature process that is created by God and have placed a temporary hold on the progress of this technology.
If we pick and choose characteristics of a kids then we will become a society of made to order humans, who have lost the great gift of genetic diversity. The use or manipulation of an individual genetic material in order to produce desired characteristics or result in the same individual is undoubtly changing society relationship with nature and with perhaps its own cultural values. It has been predicted for the year 2020 "people will have new definition of health and illness." It affects the moral values of human beings as well as the other living things. The competing goods in genetic engineering that is creating a stronger human race versus nature process that is created by God. Advances in genetic engineering may someday allow parents to select the sex, eye color or intelligence level of their children. This possibility raises serious ethical concerns for many people.
It is virtually impossible to avoid the nature process that is created by God and have placed a temporary hold on the progress of this technology.
If we pick and choose characteristics of a kids then we will become a society of made to order humans, who have lost the great gift of genetic diversity. The use or manipulation of an individual genetic material in order to produce desired characteristics or result in the same individual is undoubtly changing society relationship with nature and with perhaps its own cultural values. It has been predicted for the year 2020 "people will have new definition of health and illness." It affects the moral values of human beings as well as the other living things. The competing goods in genetic engineering that is creating a stronger human race versus nature process that is created by God. Advances in genetic engineering may someday allow parents to select the sex, eye color or intelligence level of their children. This possibility raises serious ethical concerns for many people.
It is virtually impossible to avoid the nature process that is created by God and have placed a temporary hold on the progress of this technology.
If we pick and choose characteristics of a kids then we will become a society of made to order humans, who have lost the great gift of genetic diversity. The use or manipulation of an individual genetic material in order to produce desired characteristics or result in the same individual is undoubtly changing society relationship with nature and with perhaps its own cultural values. It has been predicted for the year 2020 "people will have new definition of health and illness." It affects the moral values of human beings as well as the other living things. The competing goods in genetic engineering that is creating a stronger human race versus nature process that is created by God. Advances in genetic engineering may someday allow parents to select the sex, eye color or intelligence level of their children. This possibility raises serious ethical concerns for many people.
It is virtually impossible to avoid the nature process that is created by God and have placed a temporary hold on the progress of this technology.
If we pick and choose characteristics of a kids then we will become a society of made to order humans, who have lost the great gift of genetic diversity. The use or manipulation of an individual genetic material in order to produce desired characteristics or result in the same individual is undoubtly changing society relationship with nature and with perhaps its own cultural values. It has been predicted for the year 2020 "people will have new definition of health and illness." It affects the moral values of human beings as well as the other living things. The competing goods in genetic engineering that is creating a stronger human race versus nature process that is created by God. Advances in genetic engineering may someday allow parents to select the sex, eye color or intelligence level of their children. This possibility raises serious ethical concerns for many people.
It is virtually impossible to avoid the nature process that is created by God and have placed a temporary hold on the progress of this technology.
If we pick and choose characteristics of a kids then we will become a society of made to order humans, who have lost the great gift of genetic diversity.
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