This assignment will provide a creative as well as technical outlet for you to report on specific psychological factors involved in physical activity, e.g. motivation.
500-1,000 words (not including reference citations or the reference list - write the word count at the bottom of your blog, above the Reference list).
JUST WRITE ONE (hypothetical) BLOG POST.
You are to imagine you are an exercise professional writing a blog for fellow exercise professionals about the role of psychology in exercise. I want you to include a case study description/ story describing the journey of someone – you, a hypothetical client, a person you recently watched a
YouTube video on (?!), a real person you know who you can imagine is your client – in using exercise to change fitness, e.g. lose weight, increase muscle mass, etc – whatever exercise goal you want (just focus on one). Over a period of months, not weeks. Do not focus on nutrition, you can mention it in a sentence or two, but no more than that. You want to FOCUS on both aspects of how psychology affects exercise, e.g. how motivation of your client affects exercise habits, as well as how exercise affects psychology, e.g. how doing more exercise will improve your client’s anxiety issues.
I suggest doing your hypothetical blog in Word first (and saving regularly!) and then transferring this information to Moodle and editing it to ‘polish’ it up. Don’t worry about adding ‘tags’. And please note that every blog is only viewable to you and the marker – so you can write private personal stuff about your own journey if you like (of course backing it up and relating it to evidence)
Use the UNSW logo here as a header image in your blog post (you don’t need to reference this picture):
Take note of this guide here for how to write a good blog: