
George Bush Decision Points Themes

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Decision Points
January 16, 2011

George Bush’s book, Decision Points, is a memoir of his experiences and decisions he made throughout his presidency. Bush chooses to highlight the most challenging and controversial issues in his presidency, and tries to shed some light on the events. Bush lays out two goals he wanted to accomplish in the book; the first being that he wants to “paint a picture of what it was like to serve as president for eight consequential years.” Secondly, he wants to “give readers a perspective on decision making in a complex environment.” He hopes that one day, Decision Points will be used as a historical resource for this time period, but for now, he hopes that it will help to clarify some questions or clear up controversy left in the wake of his presidency. Jeremy Berger of did a fairly well supported review of Decision Points, by George W. Bush, and I agreed with most of his points. “In his words, the years were colored by drinking problems, feeling sick, hurt feelings, being blindsided, kicking butt, feeling sick again, mad political scientist buddies, and Dad or Christ helping him say the course. All the trappings of dude lit and about as much depth.
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Mr. Bush’s default mode is regular-guy-politico, and his moods vacillate mainly among the defensive and the diligent- frat boy irreverence, religious certainty and almost willful obliviousness.” (Kakutani, 2.) This quote is basically saying that Bush used a very simple sentence structure that is easy to understand, and that his syntax and tone make him appear to be a regular old guy thrown into the position of President. His sentence structure and word choice reflects him as a decision maker in the sense that he is very decisive, and stubborn at times. His limited vocabulary also reflects the depth and scope of his decision making. Bush offers very limited reasoning for his

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