The Criminal Trial of Defendant McKenzie Crowe consisted of several different key factors that contributed to the death of Allison Bell, a beloved grandmother, mother, and sister. On January 28, 2013 at 2:30 a.m., McKenzie Crowe was driving northbound on Cook rd. while the victim Allison Bell was Explorer was totaled. Authorities airlifted Allison to Grady where she was pronounced dead upon arrival.…
Judges: in state courts they are elected by the voters. Federal judges are nominated by the president. Judges are the ultimate authority figures in the courthouse. Only they can set bail, instruct jurors, and impose sentences.…
The four levels of state courts are as follows: The trial court of limited jurisdiction, the trial court of general jurisdiction which hears various kinds of cases, the intermediate appellate courts with a fixed maximum and minimum term of imprisonment and only hears appeals and the state courts of last report or Supreme Court of the state.…
Your state’s statute that defines what is considered to be a public record that must be made available to the public upon request.…
| b. The county judge is primarily a judicial officer, trying cases in county court. This is especially true in urban counties.…
Question One: The existence of the court hierarchy means that there are courts that are superior to other courts. One reason for this is if you are unhappy with a decision from a particular court you can appeal your case to a higher court. Another reason for the existence of the court hierarchy is the doctrine of precedent. This allows courts higher in the hierarchy to create a precedent that all lower courts must follow, making sure all cases are heard in a similar manner. Another reason for the existence of the court hierarchy is specialisation. This means the courts are able to specialise in their particular area of law.…
Overall, the District court also handle juvenile cases and family laws as well. The supreme court gives justice to all civil and juvenile cases in the state and is made up of the eight justices and the chief justice. They have the power to make legal determination in occurrences when other courts don’t can’t. So anything that doesn’t fall under the other courts than the supreme court takes the responsibility, it’s also known as the highest civil court in the…
In Texas, all levels of Judges are elected to the individual court positions through a partisan ballot. Each candidate for…
Within the U.S. each state has a court system with a lower court, an appellate court and a Supreme Court that functions similar to the Supreme Court of the U.S. Four levels exist within the State Court: The lower court also known as the court of limited Jurisdiction which represents the first level in which minor cases are seen. Citizens whom are accused of not paying parking fines, those accused of prostitution, DUI and those accused of disorderly conduct in public are also tried in this court.…
The court structure in Kansas consists of four levels and they are the municipal court, district court, the court of appeals and the supreme court. All four levels are important and play slightly different roles depending on the crime.…
The responsibilities of a judge in the criminal justice process consist of a variety of duties; no court judge have just one duty or job to complete on a daily bases. Some of these duties include determining probable cause, signing warrants, informing suspects of their rights, setting and revoking bail, arraigning defendants, and accepting guilty pleas. When a judge is not in court, most of the time, they are negotiating dispositions with prosecutors and defense attorneys. The most important responsibility is to ensure suspects and defendants are treated fairly in compliance with Due Process of Law. In a jury trial the judge is responsible for allowing the jury a fair chance to reach a verdict. Before releasing them to deliberate or discuss…
The Judicial system in the United States is made up by the Federal court and State court system and each court is responsible for hearing certain types of cases. The major goals of the both court systems are to solving legal disputes and vindicating legal rights. The State court system is made up with the two sets of trial courts that are the trial court of limited jurisdiction and trial court of general jurisdiction.…
The state Trial Courts are responsible for the arraignment of the defendants at the beginning of a case, selecting a jury among potential jurors, hearing the case from the accused side and the defendants side to effectively evaluate the evidence as according to the legal guidelines. After the hearing and evaluating the presented evidence, the state Trial Court is responsible for determining the facts of the case. When facts are determined the State Court is responsible for pronouncing the judgment, basing it on the facts and the legal guidelines. After making the ruling, the state court is responsible for imposing a sentence to the person found guilty.…
Courts in the United States are made up and governed by the United States Constitution and then separated by Federal and State levels. Both levels are different in how they are made up, how they run and the laws they are in charge of enforcing.…
One of the issues facing the court system today is judges are not able to see many cases because of their administrative role. Judges spend the majority of their time “papering budgets, scheduling cases, supervising employees, and maintaining court records” (Robinson, 2009, pg. 208, para 5). The courthouse employee’s work together getting cases dispensed as quickly as possible. Some of these cases are dismissed before even being seen because of how many cases there are. Many of the minor cases are plea bargained so that the…