The signing of the Treaty of Versailles occurred on June 28, 1919, in Versailles, France. It consisted of fifteen parts and four hundred and forty four articles outlining the restrictions to be placed upon German, and German allies’ liberty. The Treaty affected things such as what reparations Germany was …show more content…
This was the beginning of the Great Depression, which lasted from 1929 until 1939. The Great Depression meant that in 1932, an estimated thirty million people worldwide were unable to find jobs. International trade dropped thirty percent. This Great depression also enable new government's come to power and take advantage of the opportunity to build a country up from the ashes of the depression.
The effects on America:
The effects on America ranged from political to economic and social. Like all countries involved in war, production and efficiency of production of goods increased to aid the war effort, allowing for a lower unemployment rate. The U.S. economy was booming, and massive profits continued to rain in throughout the 1920’s. Because of the United States late entry into the war, less lives were lost, and less infrastructure ruined.
However the golden period did not last long, as inflation was high, causing havoc upon employer/employee relationships. Competition for employment soared as the Great Depression set in.
The effects on …show more content…
This meant that the french population suffered a massive setback, and in turn it's working force.
Other than this was the immense amount of infrastructure damage. After the war, the Treaty of Versailles declared that Germany pay reparations to France, which caused a strong hate between the Germans and the French.
The effects on Germany:
The Treaty of Versailles’ conditions were such that Germany was to be in debt to it's enemies for many years to come. The terms included; the confiscation of colonies to the League of Nations; Germany’s army had to be reduced to 100,000 men, navy reduced to 6 battleships, no submarines, no air force; Western Germany was to be demilitarized; Germany was forbidden to unite with Austria; Germany had to accept the War Guilt Clause, and; pay reparations.
On top of this was the effects of the Great depression, unemployment keeping the German economy in an extended critical state.
The Treaty of Versailles’ strict ruling can be linked to the rise of Hitler's Nazi Party in the 1930’s. It was believed by the Germans that the restrictions the faced were too harsh, and so they begun to rebel. This eventually resulted into World War