I have always reflected on my past teachers and have thought about what I liked and what I would never want to repeat in my classroom. I have never really given much thought to one topic, but rather learning as a whole. As an intergraded science minor I realize that reflecting on the methodology of my past teachers is very important. I believe that science should be messy and that most of the time it should be hands on. In my perfect world all of my past science teachers would have believed the same thing.
My earliest memory of science in the classroom was in first grade. I had an awesome teacher that was very creative. My fondest memory was when we had a caterpillar in our classroom. We were …show more content…
I don’t really remember any experiments or much at all, really. I didn’t find in “class science” to be much fun. I would read books about nature, but it was not as great as seeing it first-hand.
I HATED middle school science. My teacher would talk to us a little bit, then he would talk to the “popular girls”, and then he would put in a Bill Nye video for the rest of class. Although I think that videos are a great supplemental tool, I think that they shouldn’t be the actual lesson. I remember that we had to take notes that he would, “grade”. I would seriously just write about how much I loved cats and I would get full credit. I am sure he didn’t even read them. Needless to say the last day we made a plan to attack him with squirt guns. I wish we would have done more outside and had more experiments.
In high school, science still wasn’t a big deal to me. I loved to write and read and to make art. My sophomore year I was somehow placed into advanced biology where I got behind in understanding. I loved when we got to watch G.A.T.A.C.A for the genetics unit. Other than that my teacher was terrible and monotone. This will always remind me that I need to be excited about what I am teaching so that my students will also be