English 1180, S1618
Macomb Community College
Prof. Cal Goossen
14 November 2012
“Getting a Grip on Handgun Hype” In her essay “Why Handguns Must Be Outlawed,” Nan Desuka brings for the issue whether handguns should be outlawed except to police and other service units. I disagree with Desuka’s position on banning handguns. This essay offers arguments why they should be banned without offering realistic solutions to the problems Desuka states in owning handguns. Retaining legalized handguns affects all of us. It’s essential to Collectors and sportsmen, and vital to all our safety. I do not believe that banning handguns will overall decrease violent crimes or the deaths due to violent crimes. Desuka is in favor of the banning of handguns except for police and other service units. The arguments she addresses are “about 3,000 accidental deaths occur each year by handguns” (4). “Victims of handguns know their assailant well” such as “Women killed by jealous husbands or lovers, drinking buddies who get into arguments or disgruntled employees” (3). Desuka also notes, 90 percent of burglaries occur when no one is at home, so “the guns get lifted along with the jewelry” and 40 percent of those handguns used in crime are stolen (5,6). Desuka contends that “violent crimes would surely decrease for a youth armed with a knife is less likely to rob a store than if he is armed with a gun” (7). Furthermore, the 42 percent of murders committed with handguns would also decrease as “victims would be able to escape attacks made with knives and bats” and they are less likely to be fatal (7). Desuka allocates that handguns are easily concealable and sportsmen do not use them (6, 9). Finally, as to the notion of buying back handguns, Desuka admits “the cost of a handgun buyback would be considerable, but it will be far less the costs – both in money and in sorrow – that result from deaths due to handguns”(8). Accidental deaths by handguns that