1.2. Explain the purpose of planning work and being accountable to others for own work
It is important to plan your work as otherwise deadlines and priorities may be forgotten. You must prioritise your work so that deadlines are met and the most urgent tasks are done first, without planning the most urgent task may be done last. If I am accountable to someone else for my work then each step may be observed to ensure that it is up to the high standards that it ought to be.
1.3. Explain the purpose and benefits of agreeing realistic targets for work
Realistic targets dsklhfkshgkjdsfg sdfg dsfhldgnhldfsnhlsd]fhsdf h dfs h dfsh d j dfgfjdghsdljghasg dsafhgsd fh
1.1. Outline guidelines, procedures and codes of practice relevant to personal work
The procedures are: what to do when the fire alarm goes off, letting seniors know when I am not coming into work and reporting an accident at work.
The codes of practice are: understanding what information is seen as being confidential and what is not, the service I provide to parents and visitors and doing things the right way and not cutting corners with things, eg. When filling out a medical form, ensuring it is fully completed.
The guidelines are: my dress code, what to say when I answer the telephone, using the office equipment correctly, storing and retrieving information and doing things that will reduce health and safety risks.
1.2. Explain the purpose of planning work and being accountable to others for own work
It is important to plan your work as otherwise deadlines and priorities may be forgotten. You must prioritise your work so that deadlines are met and the most urgent tasks are done first, without planning the most urgent task may be done last. If I am accountable to someone else for my work then each step may be observed to ensure that it is up to the high standards that it ought to be.
1.3. Explain the purpose and benefits of agreeing realistic targets