The first step is to establish and agree up the vision/goals of the organization making sure this is demonstrated and represented in the next five to ten years. Where are we now? Where do we want to go? How will we get there? While the vision statement with provide a perspective on where GIFC plans to be in the future (Bateman & Snell, pg 139). Additionally, all board members must agree with the direction of the vision/mission statements. Creating a vision for the company can provide the company with a goal. By having a goal it is easier to eliminate any ideas that do not support the future outlook.
Next, GIFC will conduct a Competitor Analysis this would to take a look at the competitors in the industry to understand how they are faring in the Italian restaurant arena. When doing this it is important to also research how their products match up against the larger competitors like Olive Garden, Fazzoli’s and Macaroni Grill. Using this information will be helpful in creating a well devised course of action. It will also be very advantageous in devising a plan to differentiate GIFC. If the Competitor Analysis yields great dividends for the company, GIFC should consider expanding operations and open more locations in the Midwest where growth is rampant. The target group should college students and young adults with children.
Additionally, GIFC must examine internal strengths and