How does the virus work?
The Epstein-Barr virus appears capable of infecting only two major cell types: the outer (epithelial) cells of the salivary gland, and white blood cells known as B lymphocytes (B-cells). Infection with the Epstein-Barr virus develops first in the salivary gland. Large amounts of the virus are released in the saliva, enabling it to spread from one person to another.
How mono is spread
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) can be found in saliva and mucus (and sometimes tears). EBV is not spread by casual contact. You can live in the same house with a person who has mono and never become infected with the virus. But a person who has a weakened immune system may be at higher risk for infectious mono. It's possible that people who have had mono can spread the virus even though they no longer have symptoms. …show more content…
Any fluid that comes from these parts of the body, including saliva, tears, or mucus, can be infected with the virus. The virus (EBV) is spread when people come in contact with infected fluids. • EBV can be spread through intimate contact or sharing of saliva. (A brief kiss on the lips is not likely to spread EBV. It is spread when saliva from an infected person gets into another person's mouth.) • You can get EBV if you share a drinking glass or eating utensils with an infected person (through sharing