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|Student Name: |
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|Tutorial : |
|Reading full reference|van Acker E. 2009. ‘Political Parties and Party Systems’, in Politics for Business Students: A Comparative Introduction, |
| |edited by R. Eccleston, R. Hollander, E. van Acker and P. Williams. Sydney: Pearson Education, chapter 5.87-111. |
|Main point(s) made by |The author defines political parties as 'a range of organised political groups with different support base, objectives and |
|the author(s) |ideologies' and classifies the political systems as dominant, two-party or multi-party. |
| |And then, the author also described how political parties operate in the US, Japan and Sweden. In United State, there are two |
| |dominant parties, the Democrats and the republicans, which compete against each other and win almost all the votes between |
| |them. And in Japan, it has remained virtually one-party state, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), since 1955.Even this party |