SA102 The Impact of Culture Change on Cultural Diversity
Reference: Chapter: ‘Culture’ in:
Scupin, R & de Corse, C. R. 2008. Anthropology: A Global Perspective, 6th Edition. Upper Saddle
Interconnected: The global village. Information and money flows Goods and services produced in one part of the world are available everywhere. Theoretical approaches to understand Modernisation theory Dependency theory World-systems theory
What is Globalisation?
Band societies previously survived in marginal environments Before 1950 the San of the Kalahari Desert had little contact with industrial nations The introduction of a cash economy Introduction into the military South Africa (S.A) Botswana (the Dobe) migrated to work on S.A mines Cash wages were spent on beer alcoholism
Globalisation: Band Societies
Cash economy: disrupted patterns of egalitarianism and reciprocity New goods: a decline in traditional goods In 2001: restrictions on land use by Botswana government San denied rights to the land, hunting rights restricted
Globalisation: Band Societies
Protected their way of life from outside influence Introduction of coltan mining: coltan is refined into tantalum – a metallic element used in components for cell phones etc Mbuti recruited to mine coltan (worth $80 a kg in 2001) Result: environmental damage: deforestation Increase in indigenous population = poaching of gorillas
The Mbuti Pygmies
Protected their way of life from outside influence Introduction of coltan mining: coltan is refined into tantalum – a metallic element used in components for cell phones etc Mbuti recruited to mine coltan (worth $80 a kg in 2001) Result: environmental damage: deforestation Increase in indigenous population = poaching of gorillas
The Mbuti Pygmies
After World War 2: end of colonial rule East Africa: white settlers mostly resisted nationalist movements Kenya: the Mau Mau uprising