Set goals for yourself. Start by setting a goal to be completed by the time of your graduation. Then set a goal for yourself a few years after you graduate. Consider these questions:…
Even though I have already achieved some of the goals that I had laid out for myself in my senior year of high school there are still some more that I will be working on. For an example I set out a goal to become employed as a Dental Assistant by the time I finished my college classes in March of 2015, and now I can mark that one off my list. By the end of my…
What do I want to do when I graduate from college? That is a very good question. I am still not exactly sure what I would like to do, but I can say what I have thought about doing and that is being a Physician Assistant. You may ask well why would I want to be a Physician Assistant. I would like to be a Physician Assistant because they help others and they care for others when they need it. I like helping others whenever I can and as much as I can.…
Goals are imperative for individuals to succeed. They can be used in all aspects of life, including university study. There are various reasons why setting realistic goals are important. Firstly, they provide you with the ability to monitor short and long term progress against a desired outcome. Short term goals or milestones are important to maintain an individual's motivation and help them visualise the successful outcome. In addition, goals help to develop time management skills, whilst providing direction and allowing the individual to feel in control. As a mother of two, my most important goal during university study is to develop a personalised academic writing style and acquire the skills required to teach and motivate others.…
My goals outside of the classroom are to gain more leadership experience and continue to develop skills that will set me up for future success all while improving my character. By senior year, I plan to be a member of APO, hopefully with a leadership position, a Service Station chair, president of Black Expression, and a Student Assembly officer. My academic goals are to be on the Dean’s List and apply to TWU to pursue graduate studies for occupational therapy. Ultimately, I want to soak up the entire Austin College experience and know that I gave it my all, both in and outside of the…
I believe my long term results and the value of completing my degree in higher education, is going to help me succeed in life and help me achieve the career I desire. In order to do this I must remember not to give up on my task and to stay focused. The results of staying on track will give me the career I desire, so I must stay focused in order to succeed to my goal of higher education.…
I have worked in career field for twenty years. I still have career goals and I have hit a ceiling due to my lack of a degree. I want to further my education and continue to advance in career. Part of me feels that I am to old to get my degree, but I have decided that I can do this, I can get my degree and now it's about me succeeding educationally. I want to complete school and have a degree. I want to know that I can achieve my dream of graduating from college. I realize that I am never to old to reach my goals. I want to go back and graduate so I can say that I am a college…
My purpose is to become a nurse anesthetist that can provide a patient with their anesthesia needs before, during and after surgery. Becoming a Nurse Anesthetist is important because ultimately, I feel this is not just for me, but for everything that I go through in the pursuit of this amazing career is to provide for my future family and to teach my kids what it takes to reach your own personal greatness. In doing this strive for greatness and achieving my goal, I will be able to be a part of a life-saving team and provide for my future family. My personal goals are to purchase my first car within the year of 2017 and to return to the sport of boxing and to start fighting at the amateur level. My academic goal is to earn a master’s degree…
Is it smart to set goals before college? ‘‘About half of all students who start college don’t finish. Roughly one quarter of freshmen drop out before sophomore year,’’ according to Career Prep Academy. Twenty-five percent of freshmen’s in college drop out before their next year in college. Students drop out for many reasons and one of these being not setting goals for themselves, many students might believe that setting goals is creating a path to failure and unrealistic dreams, but in contrast setting goals helps students stay on the path to completing college. By setting goals and measuring their achievements, students are able to see what they have done and what they are capable of, it helps them to stay focused on their path by guiding them on what they ought to achieve in life. Seeing…
My goal regarding the Healthcare field is to become a Nurse. I wanted to become a nurse because my grandma used to watch her sister all the time making sure that she is alright and well because she was sick. My grandma inspired me to become a nurse because I like to help people in need and it makes me happy. All nurses has a common goal, they want to help people. The best part of nursing is the joy derived from helping people through their disease processes and impacting positively on their lives. I am interested in traveling and working in different states because I can learn about different cultures through my patients. After high school, I want to go to college and get a Bachelor’s or Master's degree.…
As a child growing up I think I always wanted to work in the medical field, seeing my mother as a LPN. I also have always had a natural interest in the medical field because I like to watch a lot of ER and hospital shows. At first I didn’t really know what health career I wanted to pursue. I just knew that I liked being in the healthcare class and learning about the different health science careers and what they do. I think a medical office administration assistant would be a very good career for me because I am very helpful and can always be counted on when people need me. This is not my only career choice, it’s just the first I want to pursue. One year after graduation I will hopefully have my medical assisting certificate or at least be working on getting it. Around my five year mark I want to try to get a degree from a nursing school and become licensed as a registered nurse. After that I will try to specialize in pediatrics, so I can be a pediatric nurse. In ten years, I want to get my nurse practitioners license, so that I could work directly with a pediatrician.…
After high school, student graduates want to lead successful lives. Many have different ways to go about this. Some join the military, some go straight into jobs, but most people enter into college. Graduating from college is very beneficial to having a for successful life. A college education is vital for a prosperous life, because more and more jobs require college degrees, college graduates are more productive, and make more money.…
To conclude, my goals of going to college and being successful are very closely related. Both of these goals along with becoming a registered nurse and a fashion designer are priorities to me. I plan to chase after my dreams and succeed my goals with determination and hard work. I have a long road set out ahead of me, but giving up is not apart of the objective by any…
My motivation for achieving this goal is based on the fact that this is my second college and failing is not an option. My intrinsic motivation for graduating would have to be my love for helping others in need. In order for me to achieve my career goal I would first have to achieve my academic goal. Reward or not the feeling that I get from being able to see people feel better and helping the ones in need is more than enough. My extrinsic motivation would have to be my family. I want to show them that I can reach my goal because not finishing my first college an degree gave them the impression that I wouldn 't do anything with my life and by accomplishing this goal it would make them so proud of me and shocked and that 's what I want.…
Attending college is the first step to a better future. Throughout life there will be many goals to accomplish but some of the most important goals to accomplish will be during the time you are in college. My first goal is to pass every class this semester. After completing this goal my next goal to complete will be to graduate from Hudson County Community College with an Associate’s Degree in Liberal Arts. Finally my last goal to complete is to further my education and get the job I want.…