Alright, so here is one situation I encountered that opened my …show more content…
A few things that I have done recently is each year since tenth grade I have done ten hours of community service at my local Humane Society. It took dedication and responsibility. Every so often I took time out of my busy schedule to walk dogs and help clean up around the Humane Society. I volunteered out of willingness and love. I loved being around animals, so why not give back to my community and do something I love which was spending time with animals. It was great to know that I was making a difference in some way because every time I visited the workers they would be so happy that someone was actually taking the pets out to play, because the animals can get very lonely being in a cage all …show more content…
Me and my family are not financially stable enough to pay for college especially four years of college. I do not want the price of college affect my chance of actually of going to college. I have tried my best to apply for scholarships to increase my chance of having college paid for. I am just a small town girl with big dreams and I believe whatever happens, will happen for a reason. I appreciate my opportunity to even apply for such an amazing scholarship. I enjoyed writing about my actual goals in life and putting out there what I would love to do with my life because I don't tell many people. Thank you so much for reading my personal essay about