You may well be shocked or at least taken aback at how many players there are who work typically on their swing action but hardly ever (if ever) work on their golf grip.
In this instance, I mean the golf grip of their hands, not the rubber grip on the shaft. When you think about it though, the full swing action begins with the golf grip, which will need to boost its relevance in getting it correct.
If your golf grip does not work, why should anything that comes after work?There is a unbiased grip for any golf enthusiast. That golf grip is when your arm hangs straight down from the shoulder socket and the direction of your target side hand.
It can make no distinction whether you use an overlapping, interlocking, or ten-finger grip. What IS crucial is the slope the club is placed in your hand.To uncover your neutral grip, to begin with take your address spot, but …show more content…
As you start looking down at your target side hand pay notice to the angle it hangs. A number of of you will view two knuckles of the hand, many can see three, and a few could even see four. It isn't going to matter how many you see. No matter what the number, this is your body's way of informing you its natural predisposition and that is the neutral angle for your golf grip.
Whenever you place your target side hand on the golf club it ought to be at the identical angle you just saw.The golf club then extends diagonally from in between the first and second joint of the index finger to the bottom part of the pinkie finger. Shut the fingers and then shut the hand with the heel pad on top of the shaft with the thumb to the rear of the shaft.This provides force from the heel pad downward and the last three fingers apply pressure