Diploma in _____________
Problem-solving and Process Skills
Project Submission
Product Information
[Tutorial Group]
Declaration of Originality
By submitting this work, I / we declare that
• I am / we are the originator(s) of this work.
• I / we have appropriately acknowledged all other original sources used in this work.
• I / We understand that Plagiarism is the act of taking and using the whole or any part of another person’s work and presenting it as my/ our own without proper acknowledgement.
• I / We understand that Plagiarism is an academic offence and if I am/we are found to have committed or abetted the offence of plagiarism in relation to this submitted work, disciplinary action will be enforced.
Student’s Names, Admin Numbers & Signatures
1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________
Group Learning Contract
We, of Group _________, Class T__________ promise to work together as a team on the PSPS project assigned to us.
We agree to observe the following terms and conditions of work (Give at least two statements for each of the categories below):
1. Goals - to achieve the following SMART goals set by the group (such as project time-frame, final product)
2. Time- management (e.g. deadlines, meetings)
3. Working together as a team (e.g. contribution, attitude, tasks)
Signed by:
Name & Admin No
Role/s and Task/s
Group Project Progress Chart (Weekly by session) Class: TE-27
Student/s In-Charge
Start Dates
Time Frame
Forming a Group of 3 members
Project Briefing