By Glotova Tatiana, Marketing 1. * It's obviously, that the most important factor behind Google's success is their effort concentrated on developing search engine. They managed to turn the problem with the key word spam on the web into the attractive opportunity being solving it, when PageRank algorithm were created by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. The new system works like this: there were created reliable searches through the amount of websites, which than link to a certain page, or otherwise «votes» to weight the relevance of the search result.
* Another crucial factor is Google's orientation specifically on user. Customers were attracted by simplicity of interface – simple one-tone white search page and bright catchy logo. Moreover there were no ads or any content with editorial carater, which led to easy and fast search.
* As it was said earlier, a huge accent was maid on delivering to customers the informaton they was really looking for. That means that Google didn't sell search result placement to any advetisers, and if Goodle did it, all the sponsored links were umbral to the keywords of a search, so users in any case found information that was somehow useful for them.
* It was highly effective paid search that made Google very successful economically. Firstly «cost per impression» was adopted in 1999, which helped to earn independently of people clicking on an ad. After the successful experience they turned to “cost per click”, which helped to do the ratio of “cost per click” and “expected click through rate”, to make certain that users during the search get relevant information. Trying to give customers exactly what they need – rapid search and relevant useful information, they managed to maximize their revenues.
To my mind, search business can be characterized as concentrated and in future domination of few firms will be constantly increasing. Google with it’s 85% market share will continue to