To ensure that our government does not violate our natural rights we have put certain mechanisms in place. Natural rights are the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as mentioned in the Declaration of Independence (Preamble). These mechanisms include a separation of powers, and a system of checks and balances which are all under the constitution. This is under our constitutional government and has worked for our country for many years.
A separation of powers is where not all the power is given in one place, instead, it is divided between three different branches. This worked because the people did not want a tyrant to rule the country, instead the power is divided up in our three different branches of our government. The Legislative (Article Ⅰ), Executive (Article Ⅱ), and Judicial Branch (Article Ⅲ). Article Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ of the Constitution lists the powers and limits to the power of the government. The legislative branch has the power to make laws while the executive branch carries out and enforces …show more content…
laws, and the judicial branch has the power to manage the conflict and meaning of the laws. With a constitutional government, we can prevent the abuse of power.
Furthermore, we have a system of checks and balances.
A system of checks and balances work by the powers of the government being balanced. This works with the theory that no one wants to be controlled so one branch won’t fall out of line, and since there is an equal amount of power in each branch, no one can rise above one another. The Marbury vs. Madison (1803) case, established the power of the Supreme Court to review laws and compare them to constitutional rights, so if any laws violate our natural rights, this court case proves that it is against the Constitution. When dealing with bills, is a bill is passed through Congress it can be sent to the President to have it vetoed or passed and furthermore dent to the judicial branch for the final say of whether the bill is constitutional or
Our country has a constitution. Above all, everyone must follow the Constitution, for it is the highest law in the land. The Constitution protects the rights of all, which include John Locke’s natural rights. If the government doesn’t protect our natural rights, we have the right and obligation to overthrow and reform the government. Even government leaders may not disobey the higher law so this system gives consequences to anyone who does not follow the Constitution. Our basic rights are listed in the first ten amendments, the Bill of Rights. Our constitution was created on September 17, 1787, and since then, the government could not deny people of their natural rights without breaking the law.
In current events, the 2016 presidential election has caused great controversy between the democratic and republican parties. There has been protests all over the country about who should win and who shouldn’t. If a police officer does not like that a group of people are protesting about their preferred candidate, for example, and decides to arrest them, that would be a violation of the First Amendment, freedom of peaceful protest. The First Amendment is strictly implemented among our law enforcement to protect our basic rights.
In all, a separation of powers and a system of checks and balances is under a constitutional government. These two mechanisms guarantee that our government will protect our natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and our basic rights, the Bill of Rights, which have worked for years.