The political cartoon titled “Government is Watching” by Beeler caught my attention, and reminded me of Edward Snowden and the movie Eagle Eye. Edward Snowden who was working under contract with the NSA gave classified information, saying that the United States government was receiving information from cell phone companies, and also had access to anything we did on …show more content…
It is informing us that we cannot trust in the government, therefore, on the cartoon it is showing a big eye which is coming from the window, the television, cell phone, and laptop. This cartoon makes me feel like the government is spying on us through all this technology, for example, smart TV’s, smart cell phones, anything where there is internet access. If we own a laptop or cell phone, the government could be watching us through the camera, and they can hear our conversations, and have access to all of information. In the cartoon there is also a man who is sweating, looking scared, and is blocking a locked door. It gives me the impression that at any moment the government could be watching, collecting data, or hearing us. The man blocking the door cannot avoid this, and all he can do is control his sweat. It is sending a message that the U. S. government is so powerful that they are able to spy on us through items with …show more content…
This is ridiculous in the sense that the government is spying on us, and yet wants us to trust on them. It just shows how powerful the government is because as in the article NSA Surveillance Programs noted in their article “the house rejected to shut down the NSA”. In the movie “Eagle Eye”, who knows if the government has something similar or like “the computer system ARIIA, that can control cell phones, anything with electricity and they can also watch us on the streets through traffic lights, in buildings, GPS on our cars” (Eagle Eye), and who know what other things. I would agree with the government spying only if they could have access to cameras on airports, libraries, schools, any public place just to avoid any terrorist attacks, or if they are looking for a fugitive. Therefore, the government would be able to spring into action fast if they see someone suspicious, or if they are looking for someone they could be caught fast. However like Bill Wanlund noted “Revelations of mass electronic surveillance by segments of the intelligence community continue to provoke public debate about how much surveillance the government can conduct in the name of national security without violating citizens'