In this chapter, we need to identify the justification/ motivation of Act No. 6356. Undoubtedly, there are so many reasons behind enacting of Act No. 6356, however, in this study, it is required to reveal the major justifications behind the law. Accordingly, we need to explain the reasoning of the new trade union and collective bargaining law Act No. 6356 in order to understand the need for replacing the Act. No. 2821 and 2822 clearly. According to the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the first reason of enacting this new law is the need of making the labour relations liberal (Özveri, 2012: 25). Additionally, the second motivation behind the Act. 6356 is to optimize and reconstitute …show more content…
No. 2821 and 2822."
According to the reason of the law, the need for reforming of the law is explained the following;
"The reason of the law is to readjust the union rights, freedoms and the right to collective bargaining based upon the principles of the liberal and democratic society, by taking into account of the reactions of Turkish working life to the universal standards all along the …show more content…
No. 6356 aims to remove the barriers of organizing, providing/ building up the peace of work, solve the problems arising from the implementations, reflect to the need for the new age by taking a step forward Turkish industrial relation and bring substantial solutions to Turkish working life as well."
Additionally, the reason/ motivation of enacting the new law (Act. No. 6356) can be summarize, as below (Dereli, 2013:42);
To encourage and empower the union movement which has weakened due to the global competency and increasing unemployment as an inevitable part of the pluralistic democracy.
To comply with the ILO norms (especially Conventions 87 and 98) by changing some restrictive regulations implemented since the period of 80s which was criticised by international institutions.
To bring solutions to the problems arising from the 30 years implementations of the Act. 2821 and 2822.
To make the process of collective bargaining that is unfunctional by the double threshold