Purpose: To compare the action of the enzyme catalase, to a non-protein catalyst under different conditions.
| | |Observations |Rate of Reaction |Interpretations |
|A |Sand |- Sand piled up at the bottom of |0 |- There is no reaction between sand and|
| | |the test tube and no bubbles | |hydrogen peroxide, because sand does |
| | |arose | |not contain any catalysts or enzymes to|
| | | | |break down hydrogen peroxide |
| |MnO2 |- Reaction occurred right away, |5 |- MnO2 acts like a catalyst which |
| | |bubbles rose almost to the top of| |breaks down H2O2 into water and oxygen |
| | |the tube | |gas with a lower activation energy |
|B |Liver |- Reaction occurred right away, |4 |- Liver contains large amounts of the |
| | |and big, white bubbles rose the | |enzyme catalase, which break down H2O2.|
| | |top of the test tube | |This made the reaction occur quickly |
| | | | |and form bubbles. |