Dear Student
Welcome to the ‘Graduate Certificate in Spanish Language Teaching to Adults: Module 1’. It is designed to give you a basic training in how to teach Spanish to adult learners.
The course has run successfully for many years at the Instituto Cervantes, and is now accredited by the University of Roehampton. It is taught by a team of teacher-trainers with a great deal of classroom experience in teaching foreign languages, and who want to pass on their expertise, knowledge and skills to you!
Although it is clearly focussed on how to teach Spanish, the course is taught in both Spanish and English, and its principles are not based on a single particular methodology but can be applied to the teaching of any foreign language to adults. The fact that it is taught by a varied team of trainers but under consistent and coherent direction means that you can have access to a variety of viewpoints and different experiences, but which are all firmly rooted in a broadly communicative approach to language teaching.
We hope that you will enjoy your course, and find it interesting and profitable.
Your course tutors
Ground rules and practicalities
Please be punctual for the start of the sessions. Late arrivals distract other students. If the sessions start late, we may not be able to cover all the material we anticipate. The course is short and we try to cover a lot.
Please return punctually from the break, so that the next session can start punctually
Please turn off your mobile phone, and don’t take calls, make calls, read or send text messages during the sessions
Please don’t eat during the sessions (drinking is fine)
Treat staff and other students with respect and courtesy
Please keep your ‘name-plate’ on your desk in front
References: Bello, P., y otros (1990) Didáctica de las segundas lenguas. Estrategias y recursos básicos, Madrid: Santillana Cerrolaza, O Estaire, S. &Zanón, J. (1990) El diseño de unidades didácticas mediante tareas. Principios y desarrollo, Comunicación, Lenguaje y Educación, Madrid: Aprendizaje S.A. García Santa Cecilia, Á. (1995) El currículo de español como lengua extranjera, Madrid: Edelsa Grupo Didascalia S.A. Gómez Torrego, L. (2007) Gramática Didáctica del Español, Madrid: EDICIONES SM Lahuerta, J Martín Peris, E (1993) El perfil del profesor de español como lengua extranjera: necesidades y tendencias, Madrid: Colección Expolingua Melero Abadía, P Moreno, G. (1998) La enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera del pasado al futuro, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares Sánchez Lobato, J Sánchez Pérez, A. (1982) La enseñanza de idiomas. Principios, problemas y métodos, Barcelona: Hora, S.A. Sánchez Pérez, A. (1987) El método comunicativo y su aplicación a la clase de idiomas, Madrid: SGEL Seco, M Varios autores (1996) Didáctica del Español como Lengua Extranjera, Fundación Actilibre Varios autores (1996) Profesor en Acción (serie Colección Investigación Didáctica), EDELSA (1997) Tendencias actuales en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera, (actas del congreso de la Asociación para la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera), Universidad de León ONLINE RESOURCES: