This school taught me the responsibility, determination, commitment, the meaning of “never give up” and taught me a thousand ways to stand up after I fall. Inside the walls of this school, I’ve learned to use the word “impossible” with the greatest caution because Mehmet Akif College helped me overcome the fear of failure. Inside these walls, I was taught that “you don’t need to limit the challenges but rather to challenge the limits”. This school has inclined me to believe that with knowledge I’m in control of my life and my destiny. The hard times I’ve been through have shaped my ambitious personality making it resistible to obstacles and making it believe in perseverance. The years spent here have shaped me into who I have become: someone passionately driven to succeed but optimistic even in the face of failure. This school taught me to always move, but sometimes stop and stare to see the little big things in life. MAC has given us the freedom to make our own choices and has equipped us with the necessary tools to help us carve our own masterpiece, our own tailored vision of reality. Here I have learned to enjoy the ride, not only to crave the destination. Here for the first time, we were able to have a cup of “cay” with our teachers. And here I observed that great people are ordinary people. They’re all among …show more content…
I was molded by this environment, by all of my peers who are sitting here watching me. I couldn’t have accomplished this without all of you. It was all of you who truly made me the person I am today. It was all of you who were my competition, yet my backbone. In that way, we are all valedictorians. Dear graduates, do not be scared what the future has planned for us but instead let’s take a moment and think about the legacy we are about to leave to the next generation of MAC-ers. The High School experience didn’t magically transform us into the wise and all-knowing adults. But I rather rely on values and therefore it helped us explore the incredibly huge world of