Many of us understand what it is like to spend our entire day sleepy and unable to focus very well: we don't pay as much attention in our classes, unable to focus on any of our school work, and likely notice that our test grades aren't as high as they typically are. It's a natural occurrence to any high school kid but... That certaintly doesn't mean that it's a positive one.
I asked a few Ridgeline, Logan, Mountain Crest, and college students about their current sleeping habits.
Q. What time do you typically go to sleep at?
A. Ammoriah: I don't sleep ever. I never sleep. Sleep is for the weak and I'm not weak.
Lexi: Like …show more content…
What time do you typically to wake up at?
A. Ammoriah: If I don't sleep, why would I wake up?
Lexi: Either six or six-thirty. I don't know.
Parker: About seven.
Q. How do you wake yourself up in the mornings?
A. Ammoriah: Coffee. Always coffee. Or, you know, the blood of my enemies.
Lexi: My parents or my phone's alarm.
Parker: An alarm clock.
Q. How awake are you right now on a scale of 1-10?
A. Ammoriah: There is no proof that you currently exist right now.
Lexi: I'm feelin' an eight.
Parker: Like a four or a five.
It should be clear that many students around the district suffer from tired days. Knowing now how kids deal with exhaustion, I took the time to research and help them out.
With a few tips and tricks, we can help ourselves avoid these lazy and unproductive days.
The best way to feel well-rested is to go to sleep on time. Decide what is needed to do when waking up in the morning, how long that will take, and adjusting the time we go to bed. For example: if it's necessary to take a shower and fix up our hair in the morning, and that takes around an hour, we should go to sleep an hour