
Graham Allison Model

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Graham Allison Model
The Graham Allison Model is explained in three models, the rational model, the organizational process model, and lastly the governmental politics model. In the case of the Ferguson, Missouri case where the innocent African American man Michael brown at only the age 19 years old, his life was taken away by a police officer. The Ferguson police department managing the information of Michael Brown case was handled inappropriately.Chief Jackson controls the murder scene by leaving out the personal identity of the police officer who committed the crime due to this only lead to violent protest. Chief Jackson decision on releasing false information I believe he only personal interests and wanted to deflate the tension although it was unfair to Brown …show more content…
Obviously, the officer has put a conflict where he couldn't handle the situation that presents him. As referred in the text, that Michael Brown before being shot, his hands were in the air so the officer had no possible reason to shot at the victim. Now, with this forensic information this defeat, any potential cover up the Chief Jackson attempted in the decision-making. Regardless of the information, the department of justice recommend to no release the information and it only makes sense because the public is already overwhelmed with an innocent man was taken away by the force many believe are suppose to act as protection. In fact, Michael Brown wouldn't be the first case of this and there's a pattern of police officers shooting with no hesitation. However, If I was in a dominant position in the department of police I would inform the public whether they can or can not handle it but the full honest truth of the available information unlike chief Jackson who I understand wanted to protect his department and the officers with it but I would not expose the public to any more information unless it confirms and rational. A case like Ferguson, Missouri doesn't just blow over but continues until there is justice but accept the consequences and avoid misguided political

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