At Olympia there was the gymnasium, athletes could practice here to warm up for their events. The courtyard of the gymnasium had space to practice javelin and discus. At Olympia there was also a palaistra (see source 11), this is where training in combat and jumping took place. Athletes could train here when there was bad weather; there was an exercise room with a punch bag and an indoor training area for wrestlers. A focus of the ancient Olympics was to prepare men for warfare and get them fit, whereas this is not a focus of the modern
At Olympia there was the gymnasium, athletes could practice here to warm up for their events. The courtyard of the gymnasium had space to practice javelin and discus. At Olympia there was also a palaistra (see source 11), this is where training in combat and jumping took place. Athletes could train here when there was bad weather; there was an exercise room with a punch bag and an indoor training area for wrestlers. A focus of the ancient Olympics was to prepare men for warfare and get them fit, whereas this is not a focus of the modern