2. Glaser and Strauss observed dying patients and how an awareness that they were dying influenced their interactions with relatives and hospital staff.
3. As they constructed their analyses of dying, they developed systematic methodological strategies that social scientists could adopt for studying other topics.
The discovery of theory from data—grounded theory—is a major task confronting sociology, for such a theory fits empirical situations, and is understandable to sociologists and laymen alike.
Most important, it provides relevant predictions, explanations, …show more content…
Instead, you begin with an area of study and allow what is relevant within that area to emerge.
Grounded theory is the Least likely to begin from practical theoretical framework (Practical Research , Leedy, Ormrod,2013)
The novice researcher may end up with OVERWHELMING DATA and not comprehend how to articulate the research question.
In general, Grounded Theory should be used when little is known about a topic.
The intent of any grounded theory study is to explore what’s “out there” in the field………. and to generate a theory that is truly grounded in the data—as opposed to one that is guided by previous research.
Points to Grasp:
Grounded Theory contradicts the traditional model of research,
Where the researcher chooses an existing theoretical framework, and only then collects data to show how the theory does or does not apply to the phenomenon under study.
Who Benefits from this Method?
While aimed primarily at sociologists, it will be useful to anyone Interested in studying social phenomena—political, educational, economic, and industrial trends— especially If their studies are based on qualitative …show more content…
Three stages Of Coding
Open coding - a procedure for developing categories of information
Axial coding - a procedure for interconnecting the categories
Selective coding - a procedure for building a story that connects the categories producing a discursive set of theoretical propositions.
DATA Analysis
Grounded Theory Coding Also Includes:
Content Analysis = Identify patterns, themes and biases
Emergent concepts: Are compared to each other with the purpose of establishing the best fit between potential concepts and a set of indicators
The Constant Comparative process continues through Open coding to Selective coding
The purpose of Constant Comparison is to see if the data support and continue to support emerging categories.
Constant comparison resolves ‘data overwhelm’
The researcher is prevented from collecting redundant data
Incidents are compared to other incidents to establish the underlying uniformity and varying conditions of generated concepts and hypotheses