Professor Baddam
Case 4: We Want More Guitars!
12 September, 2014
We Want More Guitars
Fletcher Guitars, a guitar-producing company based out of Los Angeles, is interested in increasing production within their Spanish sister company Guitarras Dominguez. The CEO of Fletcher Guitars decided to send Adam Wainwright, a potential high end manager in the company, to Spain to influence the increase production. His task is to convince the owner and founder of the sister company, Salvador Dominguez, that they need to increase their production to meet the standards of the rising demand in Latin music. However, the problem is that Salvador’s company places quality over quantity in everything they produce. Unfortunately, Adam’s technical mindset conflicts with Salvador’s traditional Spanish mindset. The Spanish culture is more relaxed, which causes them to work at a slower pace. Though they work at a slower pace, Salvador’s reputation for quality guitars has kept his business alive to this point. The road block in Adam’s task to increase production is Salvador’s stubbornness to not lower his standards of craftsmanship to meet Fletcher’s demand. Adam’s initial analysis of the supply and demand is accurate. Fletcher Guitars needs production to increase due to the increasing demand for guitars globally. The CEO must feel as if the company’s current production numbers do not allow them to remain competitive in the guitar industry. Therefore, the need arises to outsource with this Spanish company to give them an advantage in market. International partnerships are reshaping global business, which in this case is the guitar industry. As Adam has analyzed the supply and demand, his focus on production seems to conflict with Salvador’s focus on the quality of the products. Due to Adam’s low context culture, his communication with Salvador primarily revolves around facts, figures, and information. While on the other hand,