guns are available almost for everyone. People shouldn’t be allowed to purchase gun
especially automatic guns. One of the reasons I think people shouldn’t be allowed to
buy guns is because individuals may us them to murder large group of people at ones.
Accidents can occur due to lack of responsibility when caring for and storing the
weapons at their homes.
The number of massacres in the U.S and around the world has been increasing.
The main reason this been happened is because people are allowed to buy dangerous
equipment. For examples, grenades, shotguns, pistols, machine guns, etc. Most of
these guns are used by the army but, they are also use by people. Selling dangerous
materials to everyone makes easier for people to do massacres and kill many innocent
people at ones. One of the worst massacres that I happened is the one that happen in
Newtown. The results were 26 people killed, 20 of them schoolchildren. Accidents with guns now are more heard. Most of the people that have guns
usually keep them in their homes and the problem is that people don’t keep them in a
saved place, where nobody can be available to get them. These accidents mostly
happen with children because they use them as toys but, the results are tragic. Because
people have access to buy guns; these accidents are increasing and killing innocents.
If people still have access to buy guns, all these effects will increase and the
victims too. The only way massacres and these type of accidents can be prevented is
by stop giving access to people to buy these dangerous equipment. One way we can
solve these problem is by putting a law that doesn’t allow people buy guns, especially
automatic guns. I think people shouldn’t be able to buy this equipment.