The Laws in this country need to be changed due to the misunderstanding of the U.S. Constitution, the easy access of obtaining a gun and the rise of violent crimes. The U.S. Constitution, Amendment 2, states that an individual has “the right to bear arms and set up a militia.” The Constitution guarantees the rights of individuals to own and use guns, and allows the people to keep and bear arms, and the citizens shall not be infringed upon and can form a militia. This amendment must be broken down in order to better understand its true intent. The founding fathers intent was clear for some to understand but if you are a card carrying member of the National Rifle Association (NRA) it is easy …show more content…
to exploit this amendment for your own benefit. The constitution was drafted in 1787 and ratified in 1789; this was a time when the United States had a legitimate fear of being conquered. When the founding fathers sat down and wrote the Constitution the intent was for all citizens to be able to defend this country and the towns that they lived in by forming a militia and fighting in its defense. Like many areas of the Constitution Americans must evolve to the times that we live in now. Americans cannot pick and choose which amendments to keep and which they think are outdated because of convenience. If this country stayed with some of the founding fathers plans there would still be slavery and anyone that was not a Caucasian male would not be able to vote. The Native Americans would still be confined to reservations and it may still be a crime to be a witch. Evolution is not just a thing that happens when people change, but also when their minds and the way they think changes.
Guns is America
The high rise of violent crimes
Gun violence in America compare other countries is among the highest involving gun related deaths, including suicides, murders, and unintentional deaths. Everyday more than 80 Americans die from gun violence. The high rate of deaths associated with guns, are extremely high with children.
American children are 16 times m and likely to be murdered with a gun, 11 times more likely to commit suicide with a gun, and nine times more likely to die from a firearm accident than children in other countries combined. The US has the highest murder and gun murder rates of the higher income nations. Sasitics show that men have a higher rate than women, and certain age and ethnic groups when obtaining and using guns. Every day, in the US, more than three thousand gun related crimes take place, to include murder, robbery, rape and other kinds of assault. If the laws where changed to make it harder to obtain, gun crimes would be a lot lower.
Make it harder for individuals to obtain a gun
To obtain a gun in Kentucky for instance, the requirements are that an individual be at least 21 years of age, and live at a Kentucky resident for at least 6 months before filling out the application. Not all states require a background check to purchase a gun. Louisannia has no state requirement that criminal background checks be completed to purchase a firearm.
Guns in America
Gun buyers that buy firearms at guns, swap meets, or through newspaper or internet advertisements are not subject to a background check.
Criminal background checks are only required if the buyer goes t a federally licensed gun store, all other sales are not subject to the background check. Our weak gun laws make weapons too readily available to dangerous people. The no restriction states make it easy for gun buyers to obtain guns and traffic them on the streets in large quantities from gun stores and resell them on the streets to criminals.
Make it harder for Gun Companies to sell guns
Gun manufactures make a sizeable profit by selling guns in America. For example; a person enters this country illegally into Texas, where there are no current laws to close the gun show loophole. This person attends a weekend gun show, where any seller who in a federally licensed dealer who can sell guns without requiring a background checks. In most states, even licensed dealers can conduct “no questions asked” sales by claiming to be offering for sale “personal collections”. The individual, maybe a terrorist sees a collection of semiautomatic weapons that can easily be modified with kits sold separately in to fully automatic and illegal guns. Not only is the buyer not required to prove who he is or submit to a criminal background check, but the gun seller in not limited to how many guns he can sell to a single purchaser. The ATF estimates that there are
Guns in America
more than 4,000 gun shows held every year in every region in this country.
Most of those are not subjected to a mandatory background check from either licensed or licensed dealer.
Smith and Wesson is one of the largest manufacturers of hand guns. Manufacturing the world famous .357 Magnum. .38 Special which is the most popular which has been in production since it was introduced in 1899, and to date, over 6 million units have been produced.
Smith and Wesson Corporation Holdings for 3rd quarter that ended January 31 2008 were $66.1 million, an increase of 22.6% over the comparable quarter last year.
Each day in the US, more than three thousand gun related crimes take place. These include murder, robbery, rape, and other kinds of assault. This country needs to make better gun laws to protect everyone from crime. The way things are today with each state making its own gun laws. In some states, for example, it is legal for almost anyone to buy a gun. The result of this mishap of laws is that people who live stricter states can take advantage of the weaker laws in other
For instance, New York laws prevent people from buying guns except in certain situations, tightly controlled circumstances. But in Virginia, a nearby state, gun laws are much looser. A New Yorker who wants a gun can simply take short trip to Virginia and buy a gun. What sense is that?
------------------------------------------------- Guns in America
This country has the strongest military in the world, they have an organized police force and the militia’s that were suppose to form are now known as the national guard and the government arms them quite well when activated. America is in no danger of being conquered and to this date they have never had land forces fighting on this continent.
As most gun activist may claim that after 9-11 there is even more need for Americans to stay armed waiting for the enemy to knock at their door. This is a misconception or even a ploy to use fear to push for a law and an amendment that is out dated and has lost it true intent. The question must be asked, what is the true reason for people to twist the constitution, and continue to keep guns in their homes and on the streets? Americans rights are not taken away when an assault rifle is removed from a home or a modified handgun with armor piercing rounds is banned. The use of these types of weapons has nothing to do with the intent of the constitution yet is still assumed that the founding fathers wanted Americans to have assault rifles; just in case. The ignorance that surrounds the making and the selling of weapons such as automatic assault rifles or armor piercing rounds is the same ignorance that has no answers for the 21 year old maniac that uses them in the killing of innocent college students. The Supreme Court has not ruled on the Second
Amendment relating to guns since 1939, US versus Miller, sawed-off shotgun ban.
Changing the gun laws in this country would lessen the high rise of violent crimes, make it harder for individuals to obtain a gun, and make it tougher for gun companies to sell guns.
Gun violence continues to threaten public safety, the taking of innocent victim lives, allowing for people to own guns who should never be allowed to own guns in the first place.