According to FBI crime data 1570 murders, 4177 rapes, 60000 aggravated assaults, and 12000 robberies would have been prevented between 1977-1992 if the conceal …show more content…
The average police response time is an incredible 11 minutes long, far too often help comes too late. If you thought that was long some response times are much much longer, for example Detroit's average response time is a jaw dropping 58 minutes. According to Arizona Sheriff RIchard Macc “Police do very little to prevent violent crime. We investigate crime after the fact.” In addition, there has been multiple cases where the supreme court has ruled that police have no legal duty to protect citizens from violent crimes. This is why over 91.3% of retired and active police support conceal carry guns.
In conclusion, it is imperative for the right to bear arms and the right to conceal and carry to remain. It is clear that it saves lives. Criminals will always have guns, and it is crucial that we the people have the right to protect our second amendment as well as our unalienable rights as americans to preserve life liberty and the pursuit of