Those who do not support gun control believe the solution is to allow everyone to have guns for self-defense. Consider though, how many brawls break out every day. If everyone has a gun, these fights might not end with just concussions and black eyes, more people would die. On the other side of the argument, with more sensible reasons, gun control advocates believe firearms should be taken away from the mentally ill and criminals. The endless debating, conflicts and deaths caused by guns is why my state of Michigan should limit access to handguns.
Quite simply, guns cause violence and death. Even though the U.S. populates only five percent of the world, we own almost 50 percent of civilian guns worldwide. Gun control laws help keep the public safe from heavy artillery weapons. Although the laws in place need to be stricter, there is sufficient proof that they succeed in protecting the public. According to the Macmillan Social Science ¬Library, the 1994 Brady Law, which required background checks and a five-day waiting period for all handgun sales, prompted a ¬drastic decline in violence. Aggravated assaults involving guns dropped 12.4 ¬percent, violent crimes from guns decreased by 35 percent, and more than 500,000 convicted felons were prevented from purchasing firearms. After the 1989 ban on importing assault rifles, the number of rifles used in homicides fell by 45 percent the very next year!
The number of people affected by gun