Modern Halloween has become less literal about ghosts and ghouls and more about costumes and candy. The holiday is overflowing with action on its reserved night. Kids are so anxious to drag their parents out the door, show off their creative costumes, and ring their first doorbell for a fun-filled night of trick-or-treating as soon as the dismissal bell for school rings. High school students wait until the whole group of friends is together before they head out into the misty darkness with only the flickering street light to guide them. Meanwhile, adults are sipping on their witches brew at a local party or nightclub.…
If you are already tired of the conventional characters you see each year at Halloween parties, you can always think of something that is not normally seen. Or if you plainly want to break the ice at the party you are going to attend, you can try wearing funny costumes that would leave everyone laughing out loud when they see you. It might take a lot of courage to execute funny Halloween costume ideas, but it will be rewarding in the end.…
Halloween, a day of dressing in costumes, going door to door collecting candy and other treats. Watching scary movies going to “haunted” houses and traditional activities in fall such as hayrides, and even “haunted” hayrides. (True History of Halloween, 2008)…
Halloween night is often a fun night filled with candy, friends, and fun costumes. While the night may be fun for you and your family, it might not be so fun for your pet. In fact, Halloween is one of the more dangerous holidays of the year for pets because it takes place at night. So no matter your plans, make sure your pet is safe for the night by following these four tips:…
Laughing we went to the house next door to them as we rang the doorbell when the door was opened, we all yelled “Trick-or-treat!” holding the candy bowl out in front of her the woman pulled a small gift bag and gave it to Sammy. We were all happily chatting as we walked next door, turning to Nathaniel I said, “You should totally put your mask on to scare them,” He agreed and put his hand in his pillowcase and tried to find his mask. His eyes went wide as he realized that he had lost it. When we rang the doorbell, Mrs. Tracy opened the door, she opened it very slowly, there was smoke leaking out the door and she was wearing a costume and held a bowl of candy. After we had gotten candy from her we began the walk to my house. We stopped at houses along they way, not that many, though when we reached the three-way stop my dad stopped us and said we should go to one house before hand. We all went to that house and got even more candy. Then, we walked over to my house. We rang the doorbell and my dad threw open the door and grinned and held out the bowl of candy. “Trick or treat!” we all chorused and held out our bags for candy. My dad laughed and dumped the entire bowl of candy into our…
HALLOWEEN is the scariest night of the is a tradition that most people celebrate.…
Cited: Hintz, Martin, and Kate Hintz. Halloween: Why We Celebrate It the Way We Do. Mankato: Capstone, 1996. Print.…
Did you know that some people's animals have been distressed after being taken on halloween. Keep your pets in the garage for the night.…
Don’t be discourage, because I believed Halloween was the time you dress up and go trick- or- treating. However that is not the case. I stand before you to share what I have learned about the most superstitious holiday; Halloween’s history, tradition, and its evolution.…
This article talks about a concerned parent who has a son that wanted to dress like a princess for Halloween. She was concerned that people and other children would be judgmental of his choice of costume. The boy, Danny, did not want to dress like any characters most boys would choose, such as Peter Pan. Danny’s mom is not only concerned with the fact that he wanted to dress like a princess, but also that this phase is reaching the rest of his life as well. He likes many aspects that girls are associated with, such as playing with toy ponies. Danny does not have a father to look to for advice because he was killed before Danny was born. Danny was not introduced to the way in which boys are supposed to act and dress like. He had no clue that his choice of outfit was meant for a girl to wear. Danny did not care what other people thought about him and decided to not go with the social standard for boy’s attire. He proudly wore his princess Halloween costume to school. Danny’s mom was happy with the decision she made to let him wear the costume he wanted for Halloween.…
A. Quote: “There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightly lit front porch.” –Robert Brault…
Although Halloween is long gone and the time to stuff your face with turkey and be grateful for what you have is here a controversy among college campuses and their students wearing certain Halloween costumes has raised racial issues that still remain.…
In modern times, Halloween is celebrated by both children and adults. Children dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating for candy. They ask the old question “trick or treat,” suggesting that they will cause trouble if no treat is given.…
As grades go down teachers, parents and educators are wondering how to solve this problem. One answer they have come up with much research is year around school. However, the potential benefits of year-round school are very little and are outnumbered by the cons. The raising utility bill, scheduling complications and ironically no academic improvement are some of the many negative outcomes of year round school. True, year around school has a lot of benefits but with all the pros comes all the cons, and because of this year round schooling should be banned in all public schools.…
A policy such as this denies kids their fundamental rights as a student, and I view it as an equality problem. Depriving kids who do not have a B average or above of the opportunity to participate in after-school activities creates a caste system that would stigmatize students who do not make the mark. If this policy were in place now, I myself would not be able to participate in any activities, clubs, or sports due to my grade average. Those activities are the places students make friends and find a safe fun environment to socialize and express themselves in the stressful pressure of a high school day. Speaking from experience, without something to look forward to during or at the end of a six-hour school day of tedious lectures and clocks ticking at the pace of molasses, removing these activities would decrease the students’ desire to want to learn or even be in a school setting. This could then backlash and drive the cycle of bad grades.…