This year, I started a club called the West Central hangers. It’s a hammock club that meets every couple of weeks at different locations around Pinellas County. The club is a place for high schoolers and college kids to meet new people with similar interests, bring their own hammocks, and “hang out” with one another. At the moment we have only have a small following but the numbers grow with each meet up. …show more content…
Through the program Virtual Enterprise, the company we created this year is "Bee’s Knees School and Office Supply". The company is a one stop shop for innovative office and school supplies. We are in the process of developing a catalog and the CEO will be a critical part of choosing which products make the cut. Our virtual store will include products that we buy at wholesale and resell to the consumer and products that we have created. One product that our company has created is call School To the Maxx which is a similar to a pen but it entails so much more. Not only does it include a pen in multiple colors but, its seamless design includes a highlighter, white out, a pencil, and a ruler. We feel that there is a way to be the bee's knees when it comes to office supply that you can enjoy if you're 5 or