As a company Hancock Manufacturing is dedicated to developing Diversity within our workplace to achieve financial superiority and global recognition. (R. Wayne Mondy, in "Human Resource Management,") defines diversity as any perceived difference among people, be it age, race, religion, functional specialty, profession, sexual orientation, geographic origin, lifestyle, tenure with the organization or position. Diversity management means ensuring that factors are in place to provide for and encourage the continued development of a diverse workforce, by combining actual and perceived differences to make a stronger workforce. We at Hancock believe diversity training will be our largest asset. Successful diversity training will provide solid information about other employee’s backgrounds and work experiences, them knowledge can replace fear, ignorance and stereotypes. It will also encourage employees to focus on their similar skills and to take advantage of different skills and perspectives from other cultures to do a more efficient job.
"Human Resource Management"; R. Wayne Mondy; 2008.
DeCenzo, D., & Robbins, S. (2013). Fundamentals of human resource management (11th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
References: "Human Resource Management"; R. Wayne Mondy; 2008. DeCenzo, D., & Robbins, S. (2013). Fundamentals of human resource management (11th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.