Handicap Accessibiltiy
Handicap Accessibility Lacking Within DSU Has anyone ever found themselves having a hard time accessing buildings due to a physical handicap? A majority of Dickinson State University students, faculty, and staff members can say they have at least once in their time here. DSU offers very little additions to the college to make it easier for anyone with a setback to access with ease. As quoted in everything’s an argument, “Many students and faculty will become temporarily disabled from injury at some point during their time at the university” (Deshpande, Manasi 399). To make the campus of DSU more handicap accessible the college administrators could do a number of renovations such as adding ramps, automatic doors, handicap bathrooms, and closer handicap parking at the college. By doing so people with setbacks can feel less discriminated against, won’t have to deal with unequal prospects to succeed, and can feel independent at this college. Administrators allowing workers to build cement ramps alongside the stairs leading to the entrances of buildings would increase the progress of students, faculty, and staff members by allowing them to get around more effortlessly. By adding ramps people in wheelchairs will be able to get inside the buildings easier and safer. People with crutches or any other kind of impediment will also benefit because they won’t have to endure those lengthy steps to reach the entrances. Even without a setback it is a workout to walk up the stairs at the college. Some would disagree on taking extra action for disabled participants because they may feel like people with a handicap are getting special treatment which is not fair to other students and faculty. Renovators hired to assist in the process of building onto the college should also consider installing automatic doors. Automatic doors would help limited mobility participants, but also everyday students and faculty with no restraint. Automatic doors would help clearly by allowing
Bibliography: Capella University. "Students with Disabilities Discovering Key to Academic Success is an Online Degree; October is National Disability Awareness Month." Business Wire: P. 1. ProQuest Newsstand. Oct 07 2005. Web. 16 Apr. 2012.
Campus Discovery. Dickinson State University. Campus Life Blog. 29 Jan. 2012. Web. 18 April 2012. http://www.campusdiscovery.com/colleges/profile/dickinson-state-university-campus#reviews
Deshpande, Manasi. “A Call to Improve Campus Accessibility for the Mobility Impaired.” “Everything’s an argument.” Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. Bedford/St. Martin’s 2010,2007,2004,2000. 399-410. Print.