This chapter talks about the introduction of our research. Which is about the social networking sites and their effects to some college students’ academic performance. The background of this study will also be clearly discussed in this chapter together with the aims of the research and its point of view.
Multiply, Friendster, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and other social networking sites are very much embraced by lots of college students nowadays; even high school and elementary students use this. But it may affect their study habits, though. Students tend to forget their priorities – especially when it comes to studying – once they are sitting in front of the computer totally engrossed to what they are doing; which is browsing these social networking sites. These social networking sites are mainly used for communication and for socialization. Students should know how to use these sites wisely.
They could do lots of things in the social networking sites aside from communicating with other people. It also has lots of games in it. There are many different applications, too. Time is the antagonist here. They should be good at managing their time so it would not be wasted; time is very precious. They won’t be able to bring back the time once they’ve wasted it.
What do these social networking sites do for college students? Does this help them or is it just a distraction from their studies? This study aims to find out whether or not these social networking sites help them. And how it affects their academic performance. Education is much more impotant than these social networking sites.
This study aims to know the social networking sites and their effects to some college students’ study habits.
Specifically, the study attempted to answer the following questions: 1. How may the respondents be described in terms of: 2.1. Age; 2.2. Gender; 2.3. Course; 2.4. Year