When you work hard to be a great teacher, your students will come out better learners. It's all about effort, both on your part and theirs. Starting with this article is an exceptional choice, but endeavor to continue learning by reading all you can. The more advice you take on, the better your results will be.…
After reading the chapter 6 “Harry and Rosemary Wong on the first thing you should teach” along with watching Wong video, I found his information insightful and intriguing as Wong has an unique way of providing the information to teacher which allows them to think about what they have been doing in their classroom to be effective in their management. Wong made a couple of statements that I took note for future references, but the ones that stuck out the most where “Effective teacher have a plan, If you don’t have a plan, then you are planning to fail.” Let’s think about that statement, we as teachers automatically believe we are effective teachers as we develop a lesson plan for our classrooms to which our students will engage in the curriculum.…
5. Petty, G. (2009). Teaching Today - A Practical Guide: Thornes Publishing, 4th Revised Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1408504154…
3.Noise: Classrooms can often become a very noisy environment when children are learning and working in groups or individually. This can be a huge distraction for children and prevent them from producing the best work they can and also slow their work pace resulting in unfinished work. To help combat this it is important to remind the children at regular intervals that they should keep there voices to a whisper and raise their hand rather than shout out. Also having a way to get the whole classes attention when they are being far too noisy for example in my…
Children can do baldy in the classroom because of their carelessness.Teacher preparation is important for a teacher to be effective in the classroom. Good teacher preparation can have an affect on a student's academic achievement. A teacher's confidence can affect a student's performance. It is important that teachers believe in themselves and in their abilities.…
I know that in today’s society there will be many challenges one will face when choosing to become a teacher. I believe that learning how to maintain a classroom’s balance might prove to be difficult to a first year teacher. I know it will take a lot of patience and critique from peers to get into a “flow”. Teachers make literally hundreds of decisions every day, and many of them must be made with nearly spilt-second timing. There may be an issue of an electronic failure that prevents a teacher from following a prepared lesson plan. He/she will have to decide on how to teach the curriculum without the use of that aid. There may be an instance where behavior is an issue and the teacher needs to decide if the entire classroom should be effected or just a few students.…
| -Students clearly understand what is expected from them.-It is the Wong’s belief that student success stems from “established, well workable procedures” and that “most students will conduct themselves acceptably if they are taught the procedures that lead to learning and responsible behavior.” (Charles, 2008, p. 136).…
One-paragraph opening statement of the classroom philosophy of meeting student’s individual needs, which includes proactive techniques as described in PRAISE.…
When the teacher is planning the lesson you should have the opportunity to discuss and look at pupils work with the teacher, this is called review. Review is when you can look to see if the work that has been set has been done and if the child has understood what has been asked of them. It would be a good idea to walk around the classroom to see if the children are doing the work correctly, making notes and to let the teacher know, then you can discuss this and give feedback if there has been any problems, then the teacher will be able to plan the next lesson and try to resolve these problems.…
I must ensure that the students feel safe and comfortable within the classroom and I also must make them feel included. Being approachable, friendly and open should allow students to feel comfortable enough to express their views and opinions. I must also get to know and understand students and understand different learning styles that they have and incorporate different styles to enable learning.…
Firstly I would help to set up equipment quickly for the lesson, by doing this you allow yourself and the teacher time to observe the area and minimise any hazards that could lead to an accident during the lesson. This could be anything from spilt liquid to sharp objects being left around. Also this can allow the lesson to take place almost immediately, giving the class little opportunity to mess around or cause a disturbance to one and other.…
Students will have the freedom to express their opinions, concerns, questions, comments, likes, dislikes and so much more. They will have the freedom to use their imagination and be creative. Students will know that my classroom is a safe place to express themselves and to let out their inner creativity. Students will also be able to realize their likes and dislikes as they progress as well as begin to learn their own strengths and weaknesses, Once all this has begun to take place and myself as the teacher is able to learn more about who the children are as students rather than just individuals, lessons can be created with each students best interest in…
This paper will highlights what I plan on doing as a teacher to run a successful class. It will highlight some on Wong 's, Canter 's and Glasser’s points. And it will discussed the rules and policies for the class. I will also introduce the consequences plan that I will be using in the class. I will hold the students and myself to a high expectations…
In conclusion, confidence is an important part of learning. The way to build student confidence is by assigning tasks she can complete, by encouraging her and by a variety of learning experiences. Each of these should be part of all classroom…
Teachers can also identify and understands those students who are very weak in some areas. Giving courage and positive reinforcement to students can help them gain trust and confidence to their selves. And it is also important that the teacher has a harmonious classroom management where her learners can feel safe and belongingness in the place.…