Our world today is changing fast due to the introduction and upgrading of technology. Most people say technology has brought positive results because of the improving social well being in our societies, whereas there are skeptics about that. Nevertheless if there was no technology you wouldn’t have been able to read this document.
Technology has enhanced modern life in many ways two of them being communication and transportation. Before the invention of telegram and telephones, moving information from one place to another for long distances was quite challenging and unmanageable. If we look at it today, information can be conveyed from one end to another swiftly within an instant. The global news networks have helped people all over the world through informing them. For instance, news can be presented on what is happening on the other side of the world instantly, weather forecast and natural disasters are foretold before they occur.
Transportation means have improved significantly. Goods and people can be transported from one destination to another reliably and efficiently resulting in building up of the economy and social well being of a country. Technology has cut distance between people and brought the world together making our lives quite easy and convenient.
Education systems have improved quite well although some developing countries have obstacles on upgrading their technology because of other matters. It is now easier to do an academic research or work because of the internet, television or using other specific types of advanced machinery. One Roman Catholic Priest stated that ‘’the information and knowledge of the Bible has taught quite a lot of people since the creation of Facebook and Twitter’’. Distance learning of certain programs can also be done through the internet.
Medical institutions have improved in terms of examinations, treatments, and researches all over the world, leading in