Over the course of the quarter, I have gained skills in completing procedural measures such as case noting, intake and discharge interviews and paperwork, completing and updating treatment plans, and utilizing the “green log”. I have developed a deeper understanding about de-escalation skills and techniques with this population as well. I recognize that the youth who come into the program struggle with many issues and at times express themselves through acting out. Even though these behaviors are unacceptable, I have learned to look at these issues as an opportunity to help the youth deal with the emotional struggles as they go through the change process. When a significant violation of rules occurs, natural and logical consequences are used as a reinforcement tool. Through utilizing behavior modification techniques, I have helped in providing a safe and nurturing environment for the youth, as well as promoting positive behavior changes in their lives.
Along with the amazing amount of knowledge I have gained over the course of the quarter, I could not have gotten to this point without some obvious struggle. As a person who hopes to one day work with adolescents as a high school counselor, I think it is vital