Hayao Miyazaki is the first animation designer who represents the humanitarianism to animation (Cavallaro, 2015). His humanistic films include lots of themes such as environmental protection, youth growing, anti-war, feminism and so on. Those different items are showing Hayao Miyazaki's deep concern about the universe and life. His thinking is so distinctive because of his profound concern themes in the films. Also, this is why the audiences love his movie. Besides, the theme is the soul and core of the animation film and his themes are not only related to our daily life but also consider some significant social issues(Rustin and Rustin, 2012). What is interesting is that although the themes change in his films, the environmentalism …show more content…
As Napier said, in Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind, Hayao Miyazaki has the strong attitude of hating some human actions that destroy the nature. He thinks that the relationship between human and nature cannot be solved, as long as the population continues to flourish, the destruction of nature action will continue to repeat. People always want more, so they will keep moving on in such a stupid action (2006).
In the book that written by Dani Cavallaro, Hayao Miyazaki’s world picture, Hayao Miyazaki once said: "I want to see Tokyo having been submerged" (Cavallaro, 2015, P.75). Although this sentence is a little bit extreme, it can show Miyazaki's attitude. He also put this perspective in this film. For example, as Dani Cavallaro stated, in this movie, the story of young princess Nausicaa needs to save humanity from the seven days of fire that because of human’s war, a great conflagration that the ravaged earth, destroyed the environment and human civilization. The remaining human settlements separated from each other by the fetid and dangerous sea of corruption and people are competing for a clean environment to live, and this triggered more wars again and again. However, the wars just make the environment worse (2015). This plot can show that Miyazaki is actually against the …show more content…
According to Noriko T. Reider, this film “became the highest-grossing film of all time in Japan and it won many awards, including a 2003 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film” and made Miyazaki famous around the world (2005, P.4). In this film, his point about the environmentalism has changed that is not strong like the early works. He becomes more neutral with the relationship between people and environment. However, he still wants to warn people to focus on this problem but in a more polite way.
In this film, Miyazaki also uses his fantastic imagination to create an unreality world but it reflects lots of problems in the real world (Napier, 2006). Moreover, as Noriko stated, in the Spirited Away, the main character who is a little girl called Chihiro (2006). The girl and her parents get lost and get inside a magic world. However, the girl’s parents transformed into pigs because of they were greedy and ate the food in the area. Then the girl had to work in a spa center for spirits, and divinities saved herself and her parents when the night fell. (Swale, 2015). So in the spa center, the girl met a stink spirit that was a polluted river spirit and wanted to be cleansed in the bath house (Napier,