Carolynn Anderton
Rebecca Meza
Virginia Bennett
Jamie Kerns
Sandi Cerutti
Linda Benavides
Instructor: Jeff Dobbs
University of Phoenix
Motivation in the workplace is very crucial for businesses and people. For most healthcare managers they have a lot of stress on them daily. As manager they provide leadership, guidance, and skills to their employees. Making sure the workplace operates correctly not only for the success as a team but also for the public. There are different ways motivations can affect us in a behavior standpoint. Quoted “Based on psychological and neurobiological theories of core affective experience, we identify a set of direct and indirect paths through which affective feelings at work affect three dimensions of behavioral outcomes: direction, intensity, and persistence. First, affective experience may influence these behavioral outcomes indirectly by affecting goal level and goal commitment, as well as three key judgment components of work motivation: expectancy judgments, utility judgments, and progress judgments. Second, affective experience may also affect these behavioral outcomes directly’’ (2004, Barrett and Bartunek). Based on scholar article this provides allot of different information of how studies have shown
It is important in every organization big or small that everyone has the ability to make sure all departmental managers are on the same page. Especially with a downsized company, this can really hurt those who have had issues with bad employees versus good employees. There are difficult facts to make sure that we all keep an open perspective when a company downsizes. Giving employees bonuses during this type of a difficult situation is good because this allows you to make a peaceful profit for the employee to stay while downsizing staff. Sometimes if you downsize a large staff and people get cut, this can become an intimidating situation and those who are staying should feel more
References: Adams’ Equity Theory/Balancing Employee Inputs and Outputs Retrieved from: The role of affective experience in work motivation: Test of a conceptual model (Jean M. Bartunek and Lisa Feldman Barrett, 2004) Behavioral Management Theory: Understanding Employee Behavior & Motivation Retrieved from: Lipman, V. (2013). 5 Easy Ways To Motivate – And Demotivate - Employees. Forbes Retrieved from Rewards and Incentives in the Workplace by Sherrie Scott, Demand Media Retrieved from: