The book is cleverly divided into three sections, the first regarding the various STDs plaguing those partaking in sexual promiscuity and often “unsafe sex”, the second, titled “the forces at work”, discusses just that, the influences, such as media as well as the many misconceptions surrounding, but not limited to birth control and what she describes as “high-risk sex”, to name a few. The last and final section is…
This film emphasizes on how sex is portrayed and displayed in America in comparison to other countries. This film serves as a great wake up call for people who believe that telling teens to “abstain” from sex is an effective way of keeping them safe and healthy. This film was accurate and timely, the film exposes the reasons behind our high teen pregnancy and STD rates. In Let’s Talk About Sex the attitudes of Americans is compared to Europeans on the subject of sex. The most controversial point in this film was probably the segment that involved gay teens. I personally feel that if members of the gay community were to watch this they would be disappointed they were represented in this…
For my final paper for American Culture class, I will explore the need to teach sex education in school, especially in high school. My paper will discuss both cultural and pedagogical sides of the topic. It is a reflection of the movie "The Education of Shelby Knox", which well illustrates how teen students' life is without having sex education in their school curriculum. Based on the content of the movie and the information I have read from many articles on the topic, I will show more of my understanding on this special aspect, sex education, of American education and culture.…
Their views on sexuality education for elementary children were very apathetic and largely opposing, whereas, when asked about sexuality education in middle school and high school, they were more neutral and favorable to the idea. The audience has yet to be able to envision the significance of why sexuality education is so important in society today. To persuade the audience we will inform them about the prevalence of teen pregnancy and STIs, and how they can be prevented by simply giving youth and adults the proper education they need to make responsible decisions. The audience is so against sexuality education for elementary, we presume, because they are focused on the idea of it causing those young children to consider having intercourse. We believe that the audience is targeting an idea, and distorting it. Through audience analysis, we determined that the audience themselves have not undergone comprehensive sexuality education, or experienced any actual sexuality education. Their inexperience in this field is likely clouding their judgement, as they may not have investigated the subject further. We will acquaint them with the information that comprehensive sexuality education focuses on age appropriate material. Our delivery choices include fear and positive appeals, and a great use of ethos, logos and pathos. Statistical data inflicts a fear appeal, and assists in the extension of logos. To achieve pathos, we will bring up the audience’s possible children or younger siblings, and even a couple of accounts of people who had to deal with the consequences of not being sexually…
Despite living in a society that is saturated with sexual media and conscious of the wide prevalence of premarital sex, there is still an unspoken insecurity that comes with addressing human sexuality. This is demonstrated by national policies that fund abstinence education instead of comprehensive sex education, laws that specifically outlaw sexual pleasure such as a ban on vibrators in 6 states, and continued queasiness about the topics of homosexuality and sexual identities beyond the established “norm”.…
Coercive sexuality is an important factor in American Pie movie. In this movie, audiences can see different pictures of teenagers trying to experiences sexual intercourse for the first time in their lives (Zide, Perry, and Weitz, 1999). And the more aggressive they are, people can see coercive sexuality involved in different scenes. Coercive sexual behavior among students has been an area of concern to society. At the time when human sexuality topic becomes so popular in teenagers’ world, those students in the movies let people understand more about their points of views about sexuality. The question that I want to address in this paper is: Do we as a society treat some coercive sexuality as acceptable, or even desirable? In what way do the attitudes towards these mirrors the attitudes of our society in general? It would shocked some people how teens think about sex so openly and wrongfully, which against many basic human morality.…
Society’s attitude towards sexual behavior is more tolerant and permissive now than ever before. Entertainment directed at a teen audience is much more sexually explicit allowing teens to believe that sexual activity is something common that everyone in society does. The popular series “Twilight” is a perfect example because although the book is meant for a teen audience, it contains a sexual nature. Another example would be the TV show, “16 and Pregnant” which glamourizes the issue of teen pregnancy. These new social norms make teenagers feel that it is accepted behavior to become sexually active at a…
In the debate over sex education, one thing is undisputed: The average kid today is immersed in sexual imagery. A generation that has grown up on the sordid details of the Starr Report, watched thong-clad teens gyrate on Spring Break cable specials, or read the cover of nearly any women’s magazine in the grocery check-out line is familiar with the facts of life.…
Teens did not know their own bodies. There were little factual resources that teenagers can depend. Few choices left for them, teenagers were guided along high risk actions. Abstinence was the approved option by parents, as it teaches teens to not be sexually active but not on protection or STDS. Another path is exploration on their own means. Exploration was dangerous, because teenagers were unaware of the consequences. Both options plunged teens’ health into a abyss. Then around 1980s, media started to reach towards the topic of sexual activity in teenagers. Many teen movies brushed against the topic about sexual activity and gave more positive responses than usual. Now, there is a rapid increase in sexual activity amongst teens. Due to this rise of sexually active teens, sexual health programs in high schools need to be updated to accommodate this change. High schools need to avoid only abstinence learning and implemented new programs for…
The United States is often known as the land of opportunity, the birthplace of the American Dream, and the place to the start of a new life. But the United States doesn’t come without its flaws. America is also known for having the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the world. The cause of the high rate of teen pregnancy has baffled many politicians and educators alike and has been a problem for decades. But research suggests that the United States approach on sex educated is dated and ineffective. Instead of focusing on avoiding the topic of sex, Americans should embrace the topic and should be willing to freely talk about sex.…
(Opening statement)Sex, sex, sex, its everywhere, pasted to billboards, plastered to T.V. screens. There’s nowhere for anyone to hide. As you look up “An advertisement for Liz Claiborne fragrances shows a barely clad young couple sprawled out on a bed, him painting her toe nails.”(1)And one street over there’s a second billboard advertising perfume, as a young Brittany Spears clad in a uniquely beautiful almost transparent dress just sits at the end of a bed, with her legs slightly spread, as if sending a silent message that it’s ok to be overbearingly sexy, and over inviting without paying any consequences (2). “We’re stuck in a world were teenage girls are regarding their virginity as an embarrassing vestige of childhood, and who look at birth control as embarrassing and unromantic.” (Garity) (3)No wonder so many people such as Steve Lopez, in the short story “A Scary Time to Raise a Daughter”, are scared to have children, especially when these vulgar messages are directed right at their child’s age groups. We are constantly suckered in by our worldly practices of using sex to sell everything from music to television, perfumes, even clothes. (Thesis) With sex lurking at every corner prodding us towards early sexual endeavors’, who’s to say that parents and schools on their own can protect teens from early sexual encounters.…
The United States has the highest rates of sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy of any developed country. Each year, unprotected sex results in almost four million teenagers contracting an STD. The HIV/AIDS epidemic is also a serious health concern for young people. Of the 40,000 new HIV infections in the US every year, about 20,000 occur in people under the age of 25, unprotected sex being to blame. (1) The National Abortion Rights Advocacy League says, “By denying teens the full range of information regarding human sexuality, abstinence-only education fails to provide young people with the information they need to protect their health and well-being.” (2) Surveys done by the Kaiser Family Foundation found that “students who have sex education know more and feel better prepared to handle different situations and decisions than those who have not.” (3) If the abstinence-only approach continues, it is expected have serious consequences by denying young people access to the information they need to protect themselves. These…
When I think of the word “sex” I think of intimacy, privacy, and discretion. For most teenagers sex is just what is popular at the time. They don’t understand that it is not like any other fad. Now that sex has become popular it is the parents’ job to do something to change it. Children are taught how to interact with others and the difference of what is right and wrong by their parents from birth. If parents don’t teach their kids that no amount of popularity is worth the burden of a child at a young age then no one will. In Anna Quindlen’s essay “Sex Ed” she sat with six 16 year old girls at a family planning clinic in New York, the girls knew a lot about sex but were also pregnant. Where were their parents? Schools are wasting their money on sex ed classes. Do you really want a stranger to teach your child about sex anyway? It is important for our children to be educated about sexuality, but it is not the schools’ place to teach it.…
It has been contended that sexual messages often contain unrealistic, inaccurate, and misleading information that young people may accept as fact. Compared to film effect studies, only a limited number of researches are devoted to movie content, particularly those popular among adolescents. As the consumption of movies demands a higher degree of viewing intention and subsequent commitment, scholars claim that movies, like other widely consumed media, provide a script for teenage groups in their socialization process and as they forge their own identities in the adolescent state. The examinations of movies, as well as other media content, are generally motivated by the fear that a sex-filled media environment may influence young audiences by film content, sexual messages and sexual behavior.…
A lot of teens today think that ‘Teen Sexuality Talk’ only revolves around the dangers and immorality of the word ‘sex’ and RH Bill. No wonder every time we have this talk, everyone seems a bit bored for the cycle is the same. They tell us about pre-marital sex, its dangers, the effects, the cause, the diseases you might get and a lot more. But the talk last January 11, 2012 had a twist which made us Seniors look forward to it. As Mrs. Aurora Yutuc gave the Opening Remarks, she reminded us that we should not take this talk for granted. It’s different among all the other talks we had and that we must pay attentively to what the guest speakers tell us.…