The simple squamous allows exchange of nutrients, waste and gases. It can be found in blood vessels and air sacs in the lungs.…
Initial Contact: CW Holland made initial contact with Brandy Ramos and Victoria at their home at 908 Tree Street Columbia at 4pm. CW Holland spoke with Brandy in the living room. There is no furniture in the living room besides the television. Mom got chair for CW to sit in. CW explained the DSS process and provided Brochures 30230, 2416 and obtained signature for 3795.…
The budget increase was approved and the project number (673615.PS.D1) should be reopened by tomorrow. Please transfer your suspense time by the end of this week. The budget was based on the hours that were previously provided to me, so please make sure there are no significant changes from hours provided. The number will be closed again within the next week or two.…
Explain what they are, their functions and where they are found. Then go into detail about two organs, with their functions, what tissues they are made of and where they are found in the body.…
You work on behalf of agencies that support the families and carers of individuals with particular physiological disorders and have been asked to produce a poster presentation for two different disorders which will be supported by notes. Also provide a written piece that assesses the possible difficulties with diagnosis for your 2 chosen disorders.…
The Winterbourne View Abuse report underlines unsafe practices which led to abuse not being dealt with accordingly.…
B1 Discuss the skills the practitioner requires to effectively communication in a social care setting.…
The nature vs nurture debate has been around for many centuries which argues about the role for heredity and environment in human development. Theorists in the past have argued that all humans are born with instincts which we have in life although other theorists have argued that the way we have been brought up, environment, culture around us are influential in what defines our personality traits and characteristics an example of nature vs nurture debate is the gay gene. The nature side of the debate is that gay is heritable a theorist named George Howt had claimed in 1998 that "being. Gay is in are genes" even though this has not been proven it could be possible that being gay is normal difference which can occur in human nature. The nurture side of the debate is that are sexual orientation is impacted by our environment the theorist who support the nurture side of this debate claim the environment factors involved with our up bringing decide out sexual preference these factors could be friends, culture and friends. Another example of nature vs nurture debate is the twins studies which argues about how much of a twin personality is controlled by are genes and how much by are environment. The nature side to thE debate is that either that twins are grown up far away from each other or together have the same personality, behavior and preferences. If grown apart from each other nurture will not have much of a big impact on the twins to have them change their characterize this would prove that nature when it comes to twins is more…
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Health and Social Care Unit 11: Safeguarding Adults and Promoting Independence…
In this report I will be describing different patterns of ill health and who and how they are monitored. I will also try to explain different factors that affect our health, not only now but I will try to discuss how different factors fight effect our health in the future, I will then evaluate the influence of the government have on factors that affect ill health.…
The health and care professions council sets out the standers of conduct, performance and ethics that the professional body expect from the professionals regulated by the hcpc.…
Each of these pieces of legislation is important for protecting vulnerable people from abuse and neglect. Here is how they relate to and influence practices in safeguarding. Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS): LPS also provides important legal protections for individuals who lack the capacity to consent to arrangements for their care or treatment, which may deprive them of their liberty in a care setting. It ensures that deprivation of liberty is lawful, proportionate and in that person’s best interests. LPS reinforces the importance of strong safeguards in a hospitable society for the protection of vulnerable individuals from arbitrary detention or arbitrary restrictions on their freedom.…
This assignment will explain three different psychological perspectives and these are: Behaviourism, psychodynamic and social learning. In this assignment this will include the main theorists and apply how and why they work.…
Staff changes - Staff are a key resource needed for making person-centred planning possible both in terms of the staffing levels and the skill base of a staff team. Service Users get used to regular staff members and if they have to change half way through their care, then that can affect their improvement and can be very upsetting for the Service User. I work in mental health and if my clients have to change their support worker then they clamp up because they feel they have to relive their life time experiences all over again and this makes them feel that they just want to give up and not bother with having the support. So we have to ensure that even if we go on holiday, another Support Worker does to not visit that client unless there…
Social learning theory posits that knowledge acquisition is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context and can occur purely through observation or direct instruction, even in the absence of motor reproduction or direct reinforcement. In addition to the observation of behaviour, learning also occurs through the observation of rewards and punishments, a process known as of vicarious reinforcement.…