Person centered practice is providing care and needs which centers on the client. Its a way of caring for person as an individual and putting them and their families at the heart of all decisions. They are recognized as individuals with their own personality, likes and dislikes who has individual beliefs and preferences. Person centered practice put value to the independence, privacy, partnership, choice, dignity, respect and rights of the client
There are several different approaches or styles of person centered planning. Each style is
Based on the same principles of person centered planning: all start with who the person is and end with specific actions to be taken. They differ in the way in which information is gathered and whether emphasis is on the detail of day to day life, or on dreaming and longer term plans for the future. It is not possible to provide detailed descriptions and
The common planning styles include Essential Lifestyle Planning, PATH and
MAPS and Personal Futures Planning.
Each planning style combines a number of elements: a series of questions for getting to understand the person and her situation; a particular process for engaging people, bringing their contributions together and making decisions; and a distinctive role for the facilitator(s). PATH and MAPs focus strongly on a desirable future or dream and what it would take to move closer to that .Essential Lifestyle Planning and Personal Futures Planning gather information under more specific headings.
Particular Sections - such as the section in Essential Lifestyle Planning on how the person communicates and the section in Personal Futures Planning on local community resources - ensure that someone gathers together what is known and records this information so that everyone can use it.
A skilled and experienced facilitator can adapt any style to cover all the areas in a person's life. People may need to focus on different areas of their lives at different times, and