Social Welfare
Health Care Hell
In all the articles I read about health care, one thing is obvious- no one is happy. I focused on the article, “Employees Without Health Care Coverage Looking to Exchanges” and found that it’s not only the unemployed that are uninsured, but also regular people with regular jobs. In my opinion, greedy business owners would rather save money than make sure all their employees have health insurance, and this perfectly shows the exploitation done by the wealthy in this country to the poor. “We can’t have a top with out a bottom,” I often hear, referring to the rich and the poor, “that’s communism.” This is in part true, however, we must take into account that the “bottom” doesn’t need to be so low needing to choose between a vital medical procedure and being in debt for their whole lives, being turned away, or dying, if the high isn’t 7 houses and 10 cars high. Luckily, with new health care possible for so many Americans, thanks to the affordable care act, or “Obamacare.” Sadly, the act isn’t having the best of starts. The website to sign up has reportedly not been working well, and that is scaring people away. However, according to the article I read, people like Jesse Lopez, at the aurora mental health center, are setting up booths to help people out and answer questions. They are attempting to let people know about the options they now have and lower anxiety about a new program. In the beginning of the article, they spoke to a woman Ms. Graham. I found her to have a story similar to most people in her situation. She said, “I don’t got to the doctor these days. I just pray. That’s the honest to God truth.” Ms. Graham is 51 and hasn’t had health insurance in years, nor does her current job of conducting telephone surveys offer any help. This right here in my opinion is the problem. People who are in low paying jobs, or are unemployed are not insured. Because of this when people have small problems
Cited: Frosch, D. (2013, Oct. 1). Employees without health care coverage looking to exchanges. New York Times. Retrieved from