Personal Healthy Living Plan
1. Physical
a. I will develop a workout schedule for me to do throughout the summer time and for the rest of my time here in college.
b. There are so many reasons to exercise regularly (better health, weight loss, feeling happier all around), and so many reasons to just, well, not (happy hour, errand-filled days, vacations). If the latter reasons are getting the best of you, here are four simple ways to stick to a workout routine.
c. My state of change would be preparation.
d. I will be doing this scheduling within the next few weeks or month. I will start by writing out the schedule and do specific workouts each day to target different parts of my body. In doing so, I will also write out stretching and cool down workouts as well to balance out the work intake.
e. Some barriers that I might face are feeling lazy, in taking the wrong foods which will lead me to not wanting to work out and negativity from people around me. They way that I will overcome these barriers is to avoid having the feeling of laziness, not in taking the wrong types of food and to not listen to any negativity that comes out of others around me.
f. The way I will commit this plan is by thinking of the end result; having the satisfaction of being in control of my body and proving people’s negativity wrong.
2. Spiritual
a. My goal for spirituality will be to starting going back to church and participating in meditations.
b. The benefits of meditation are manifold because it can reverse your stress response, thereby shielding you from the effects of chronic stress. When practicing meditation, your heart rate and breathing slow down, your blood pressure normalizes, you use oxygen more efficiently, and you sweat less.
c. My state of change would be preparation.