Health promotion is the process which enables people to gain control over their health determinants in order to improve their health and thereby be able to live an active and productive life. The ultimate objective of health promotion activities is to create prerequisites for a good life which includes physical, mental, social and spiritual health and considers people in their social and cultural context taking into account the material and economical resources by integrating social capital and also includes ethics and human rights.
According to Strandmark’s article.
The human being is made up of body, mind and spirit and these should be considered in the concept of health. Therefore, health is NOT only the absence of disease but a complete state of physical, mental and social wellbeing (WHO 1947).
Wellbeing can be viewed as happiness, positive stress, intellectual stimulation and tranquility. When things happen according to an individual’s expectation, he or she experiences happiness. They experience positive stress when they have desires to be met and they are motivated to pursue fulfilling these desires. This motivation, causes them to have intellectual stimulation and as a result they experience tranquility, because despite having unfulfilled expectations, they have a plan on how to meet them.
Healthcare professionals must take into consideration individual perspectives of health and also make long term plans for health promotion so that those plans will continue to positively affect the patients beyond the hospital visit.
Health promotion refers to actions that are geared towards preventing, curing and maintaining health. Individuals are able to promote health when they are empowered, i.e given support through provision of knowledge, skills, resources, opportunities and authorities.
The Salutogenic Theory
Health is not a matter of chance. It depends on the SOC and the GRRs, i.e. material, ego